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Math Resources


Mathematics Resources for Everyone

Khan Academy: ( web site is fantastic for math and other subjects.  I think it is still free.  Best of the bunch!  Below the inserted paragraphs are many other links to follow.  I didn’t want to change the SEO for the page so the links are not directly below this paragraph–sorry.

Other than the elimination of “comments” and the insertion of a paragraph or two here–this page remains the same as it was.  I created the page about 15 or 20 years ago using Namo Web Editor and it was a part of my old website.  I decided to use WordPress but hoped to include this page and it worked by simply copying the HTML code that was on the old web page and pasting it into the WordPress screen.  I happen to like Fractals as you can likely tell by looking below, and in fact, the background of this page was created using an old Fractal generating program and saving the image that it created as a BMP or JPEG file and then uploading it as a background.  The Lissajous Curve was borrowed from a high school website–and I am still fascinated by the “curve”.  Last edited 8/15/2020.

Khan Academy: (

Purple Math: (– This was a wonderful site, but it seems to have commercial links.  Still worth looking into–especially for Algebra.

Formerly Ask. Dr. Math: (TheMathForum)

Calculators On-Line Center:

MathGames (Pay version available): (

A good web site for Advanced Algebra practice problems

National Library for Virtual Manipulative’s for Mathematics-

Basic Skills/Mathematics

An Interactive site for teachers, parents, and students: (


This link is for fractions, but many arithmetic concepts here: (

A site where worksheets can be generated-


Ask Dr. Math (TheMathForum)

Over 1700 pages of free online interactive arithmetic lessons, problems and games for grades K-8:

Various Math Topics

Great site from basic, intermediate, to advance mathematics, with timed games, flash cards, and other cool stuff:

Resource for information about general arithmetic on the internet: Cornell University Math and Science Gateway for High School –Lots of great links here!

The Geometry Center:

The Math Forum:

The Exploratorium: (

Educational Web Adventures: (

Interactive Maths Online-Vectors:

A web site that has math games–recommended by 3rd grader Liam Williams.  Thanks Liam.

Another site recommended by Liam several years ago?

Probability and Statistics Resources recommended by Michael Workman.  Michael found this site while prepping for his SAT tests coming up in February.    Thanks Michael and his Father Andy for pointing out this site.

Special Math Topics:

Spanky’s is an old site dedicated to fractal art–sounds like a porn site but it isn’t.  This was my initial resource for fractals–many of the links are obsolete, but worth exploring:  FractalForumsLink

Beauty of Fractals–brief explanation of fractals:

Fractal Software–

(Mac OSX):

(PC Version(s)): Chaos Pro Just found this site–looks like a lot of good material including links to other “free” fractal generating software

Teacher Resources-Variety


Just received another resource from a visitor to my website:  Thanks, Michael and Father Andy for pointing me to the site.

(Thanks Alexa–I did test out some of the links on the site and they looked good.)

Fractals–Saved as jpg files and edited for backgrounds:


More Fractals from the Chao Pro Website

Herzlichter_640 Fantasia_640 SV2Creature_640 Spinnennetz_640

Comments–please go to comment page.

travel blog and mathematics web links