In 2013, we decided to take an on-your-own tour with a Rick Steve’s group–the GAS tour (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). Our touring friends Bryan, James, Susan and Ann were going to join us on the tour, but beginning in Graz–a recommendation from Anne. The actual tour began in Vienna, but Ann was unable to join us until much later in the tour–actually at our last stop, but sent her son Taylor in her stead. We wish that we had more time in Vienna, and less time in Graz, however Graz was worth visiting. Taylor was a great companion, and this was a good break from him after another year in college.
We did have a great time on the trip. Many places such as Schönbrunn Palace did not allow photography indoors. The palace was amazing, as were the palaces of “Mad” King Ludwig–Neuschwanstein was the fairy tale castle that was opened after his death. He was not “Mad” as was claimed. The web sites for the castle, Neuschwanstein Castle will give a lot more information than I could include.
The Octoberfest was happening while we were in Munich. The beer tents were much more than I imagined. It was raining, but the “fest” was more like a large State Fair, and the tents were like Exhibition Halls.
I did get grouchy towards the end because it was getting more and more difficult to get up from the “low” beds in European hotels. When I got back home I decided to get a personal trainer at the local gym to improve my balance.