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Travel Blog

Cuba 2017_51
2015 Kafue, Zambia – 244 (1)
P1030177 (2)
P1030344 (1)
P1020982 (1)
Chobe 004
ChichenItza1 (24)
20110922-Paris_louvre_NapoleanApts (16)
Paris 2011-HD (720p) thumbnail
prague_to_paddle-boats (40)
prague_old_town_square_2011 (24)
20071014-NewYorkCity2007 (34)
20111007-rab_croatia (9)
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Travel Blog?P1030488

I decided to post a Travel Blog highlighting  South Africa, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Peru, Paris, London, Alaska and Many Other Places because many of my friends seemed to enjoy seeing most of the Travel photos I posted on Facebook.  Many of my friends have never traveled outside of California.

 My home is in Fremont.  I taught high school in Newark, and was a part time instructor at Ohlone College for many years.

I didn’t plan to have this site be a  travel blog, but since I allowed comments to be made, many visitors called me a blogger –and I guess this is a weblog focusing on travel, so the name fits.  

For background and as an attempt to answer a lot of questions that seem to be written into comments, I previously had constructed a few other web sites, but these other sites were all done using Namo Web Editor or Dreamweaver with some knowledge of HTML.  This is my first attempt using WordPress*, and it has been quite an adjustment.  

*(WordPress—No HTML experience needed with WordPress, just a lot of time learning the menus.  I decided to use the Aegaeus theme as a skeleton, but altered backgrounds etc.  In case any of you are wanting to start a blog,  I’m only paying for a web host –I use, and the low cost purchase of several themes.  I think I bought 6 Themes for $49.00 from the Mojo Marketplace–I only use the one mentioned.)

My first digital camera was a Olympus–maybe 2 Megapixels, purchased shortly before our trip to Machu Picchu but Facebook wasn’t around in 2001 so no photos from that trip nor our trip to Australia were ever posted.  I did eventually begin to post photos on Facebook when I traveled, and it seemed as if many of my friends enjoyed following those travels, so this “HOME” page of my website has evolved into a Travel Blog.  

Please visit my Africa pages because they are a bit more involved/evolved.  I hope to re-do most of what I have written.  My Africa pictures were taken with my Panasonic FZ-100 at about 14 megapixels.  I just purchased Nikon Coolpix D900 so hope to “ZOOM” large in the future.  

In addition, one page of the site includes several math links that can be used used by teachers, parents, and students .  The links have recently been updated and re-checked to give a good representation of  valuable math resources.  I am personally intrigued by the beauty of Fractals.  Several Fractals are shown on the math page (borrowed from the Chaos Pro Gallery), the math page background is a fractal and fractal generating software/sites are referenced.  One link on my math page (and referenced here is for anyone that is interested in enhancing their education). I strongly recommend a visit to the Khan Academy

I seem to be getting most of the recent comments on the Math Resource page, so I suspect that the SEO for that page is decent.  I tend to not allow comments that link to porn sites or viagra sales.  I may eliminate the “comment” section for that page because it is getting out of hand.  Most comments originate in my SPAM folder, but I review them and then allow a majority of them to be posted.

The questions that I receive most often are answered above–How do you start a blog?, Do you need to know HTML? What Theme are you using?

Other responses I tend to use a lot are:

Sorry, but I do not understand what you have written so have remove your comments, but will allow your web link.  Jerry

Several people have expressed concerns about IE. Get Windows 10 and use their new browser–Edge. I’m a Mac user, but have tried Windows 10 via Parallels. I like it, but am not ready to leave my Mac.

Loading slowly—I get comments from both sides.  Loading fast so who hosts my site? (, or loads slowly.  Most likely a slow load would be due to the amount of graphics that I use.  If your PC has less than 4GB that may be the problem.

Off The Screen—Sorry but you are one of just a few individuals that have expressed this concern—could be monitor size?  However, no problems with smart phones or tablets.  I think that one of the features of the Aegeus theme was that it is smart phone compatible.

No I will not send you an email, because when I do that, I tend to get back the email as being undeliverable.  I guess there are bots that send out comments??? 

Comments–please go to comment page.

travel blog and mathematics web links